Animations and interactive demos that illustrate the concepts in the book. This page is under construction.
Chapter 2: The Basics
Simple GA: Shaffer, Rastrigin
Simple ES: Shaffer, Rastrigin
CMA-ES: Shaffer, Rastrigin, Shaffer2, Rastrigin2
NES: Shaffer, Rastrigin
OpenAIES: Shaffer, Rastrigin
Bipedal walker: stuck, successful
Chapter 3: The Fundamentals of Neuroevolution
Bipedal walker learning: Walk, Getting unstuck
Bipedal walker strategies: Reaching, Jumping
Bipedal walker on other terrains: Terrain1, Terrain2
Chapter 5: Searching for / Utilizing Diversity
Stepping Stones in Novelty Search
Novelty Search in Bipedal Walking
Egalitarian Social Learning
Chapter 6: Neuroevolution of Behavior
Controlling a Finless Rocket
Race-Car Driving
Personal Satellite Assistant
Evolving Modular Controllers for Multilegged Robots
Evolving Controller Symmetry for Multilegged Robots
Evolving Controllers for Physical Multilegged Robots
Modeling the Environment through Context+Skill Networks
Keepaway Soccer
Learning in Fractured Domains
Multimodal behavior in Ms. Pac-Man: Multilife; Single-life; Interleaved; Isolated
Automatic Regularization with a Surrogate Model
Automated Curricular Evolution with a Surrogate Model
Evolution of the Pareto Front
Interactive Demo: Land-use Optimization
Interactive Demo: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in COVID-19
Chapter 7: Neuroevolution of Collective Systems
Cooperation Based on Stigmergy vs. Communication
Adaptive Teams of Agents (Legion-II Game)
Competitive Coevolution (Robotic Duel)
Evolutionary Arms Race (Hyenas and Zebras)
Chapter 8: Interactive Neuroevolution
NERO 1.0 Behaviors
NERO 2.0 Videos
Galactic Arms Race: intro video, game
Chapter 9: Open-Ended Neuroevolution
Body-Brain Coevolution
Enhanced POET
Chaser-escapee coevolution
Chapter 10: Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search
Discovering Complex LSTM Designs
Interactive demo: LSTM Music Maker
CoDeepNEAT in Character Recognition
CoDeepNEAT Optimizing Accuracy and Size
Discovering Multitask Learning Topologies in Character Recognition
Interactive demo: Character Recognition
Interactive demo: Celebrity Match through Multitask Evolution
Interactive demo: Weight-Agnostic Neural Networks
Chapter 11: Evolutionary Meta-Learning
Bilevel Optimization of Helicopter Hovering
Neuromorphic Autonomous Racecar
Chapter 12: Synergies with Reinforcement Learning
Walking robot with ES-MAML
Driving and walking with evolved Hebbian networks
Walking and Atari playing with Simple GAs
Chapter 13: Synergies with Generative AI
Evolutionary Model Merging
Sodaracer: Seeds, Seeded results, Variations, Blob, Hopper, Centipede,
Sodaracer: Lineage, Bump challenge, Solution1, Solution2, Tunnel challenge
Chapter 14: What Neuroevolution Can Tell Us About Biological Evolution
Evolution of Pattern Generators
Evolved Virtual Creatures; Multitask Extension; Muscle-drive Extension
Botprize Demo Video; Other Botprize Videos
Complex Coordinated Behavior of Hyenas vs. Lions